Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My Favorite T-Shirt Designs....with commentary.

Oregon Trail was the greatest game ever. Isn't it kind of weird how we are now at the point where most kids probably don't even get this shirt? Makes me feel old. What's weird is that while it will forever be one of the greatest games ever, if you tried to tell one of today's futuristic kids about it, it would sound like the most ridiculously boring game ever by comparison. You'd have to spice it up a little.

"Yea, so basically you play the role of a colonial settler....who...um...has just been sent on a top secret mission, code name "Manifest Destiny."

I feel like this time, the older generation is completely out of the loop. I could be wrong, but MILF is a fairly new phrase or at least a newly popularized one. Most of our parents don't really know it, which is a good thing since the phrase was created to discreetly speak about THEM specifically. I think the first time I heard it was in American Pie which was what...8 years ago?!

Anyways, this is hilarious. Can't say I've ever used the phrase myself, but if I had to think of a SILF......definitely Tuna Melt. On sour dough. GROSS!!!!!

Ok so this shirt is funny and all, but there's actually something upsetting about this picture. Obviously, the shirt only makes sense if a jew is wearing it. I understand that. But why did they have to pick the nerdiest, JEWiest looking kid to wear it. I mean, the only thing more offensive would have been a bearded Hassid wearing the shirt with a tahlis draped over his shoulders. I can honestly say as a jew that if I saw this kid walking down the street (wearing this shirt), I would probably commit a hate crime against him.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i would always die of scurvy on oregon trail

and the axle broke alot